Individual Equalities

It is the belief that all human beings are equal and should have an equal opportunity to express and influence the proceedings of the government that governs them.


Financial equality on an individual basis in a free society can not exist. It is the financial wealth of the investors that provides the fuel of innovation. It is the vision of The Peoples Reform Party every member of the voting public (see Voting Public) will have the ability to earn a living wage (see Taxation). It is the responsibility of the voting public to manage their financial affairs.


Equality would require that the voting public (see Voting Public) enact laws not the few elected officials that write the laws of the nation. For a law to be enacted it should require the majority vote of approval from the voting Public.

New laws shall be written by the Elected Officials (Senators and Representatives) of the Government. A law can be proposed for discussion by any member of the voting public and must be brought before a quorum of Elected Officials for discussion and legislative action (must be voted on by both the House of Representative and the Senate). If approved (with a majority vote consisting of 50% of the members or more) by both the House of Representatives and Senate, the proposed law will be forwarded to public for approval or rejection. The voting public (see Voting Public) would vote to approve or reject the proposed law.

Elected Officials are required to represent the Voting Public (see Voting Public) from the district or region from which they are elected. This includes required attendance of Congressional Session, Governmental Committee Meetings and all other Governmental Responsibilities.